Monday 25 February 2019

Moving: Effective Tips and Steps on Relocating in Melbourne

Step 1 – Find and rent apartment in Melbourne
Step 2 – Move to your new home
Step 3 – Do it really intelligently!

While these might sound like three innocent steps, anyone who’s had to shift houses will tell you what an trial it is getting things done just the way you want them. If you are not rushing to pack last minute items, you’re greatly hunting for something you were sure you packed in that big, black bag.

Let’s face it – to find apartment in Melbourne is quite stressful, but moving houses is doubly so. However, with a little bit of advice and guidance, it just might become plain sailing for you. If not that, at least it won’t be a very rough ride.

The first thing to do when you rent apartment is to get in touch with the Professional Melbourne Removalists. Shop around to see what services are being offered by different establishments and what prices you can get from them. Get this part over and done with at least 2-3 days before the D-day. And don’t forget to call them up before the fixed date and confirm the time they are supposed to come over.

Next step is apparently packing up all your possessions. Don’t be too ambitious. When you find apartment in Melbourne, you must know that space comes at a premium. Keep only what is most essential to you – nothing more and less is preferable. It’s better to get rid of all unwanted stuff rather than stacking them in a dump and using up space in your new home.

Begin packing at least a week in advance – it will save you a lot of hassle later. Don’t fool yourself into believing that you can pack in the last two days and get everything done in time – not unless you are a Spartan. Make sure you have plenty of boxes – at least double of what you think you’ll need. Ask your moving company – they supply packing boxes which you can later return for a refund.

For the last day, save about 10-12 boxes into which you will pack in your bedding, cleaning supplies, and clothing, and any other last minute items. Do not use newspapers to pack anything since they can leave stains. Use unprinted paper, bubble wrap, packing paper and other moving house boxes and Packing Materials. Seal and secure the boxes with a strong plastic packing tape to make sure your valuables don’t spill out.

The final part is rubbish removal. Most people who rent apartment prefer to get rid of their unwanted stuff by organizing garage sale. However, only the most organized people go in for this option. Others must have another strategy in place. If there are some antiquities among the stuff you are disposing, get in touch with antique dealers to see if they are interested. Things of lesser value can be placed on the curb with a sign that says 'Inquire'. Whatever remains at the end should simply be given away or trashed.

Here’s a final tip that that will help make life a lot easier not just for you but also the movers. Decide a color for each room – such as orange for the bedroom, green for the kitchen and yellow for the living room. Apply similar colored stickers on the space near the box number. Put matching stickers on the doors of each room in your new home. That way, the movers will instantly know where all goes in the new house. You can put an additional sign – “Boxes here” that will indicate to the Removalists Melbourne where exactly you want them placed. This keeps them out of traffic areas and furniture space.

Now that you are aware of what needs to be done, you can now go ahead and find apartment of your choice with the help of leading real estate sites. At least you no longer have to worry about the complications of moving once you find that perfect place.

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